About Lewis & Foy

Located in Liverpool & Merseyside, Lewis & Foy Lettings consolidate decades of experience with a modern approach to letting property and property management.

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William has spent decades expanding his substantial property portfolio alongside being a RICS Chartered Surveyor. His experience as a property investor became increasingly frustrating by the consistent problems caused by property managers and letting agents. We calculated he has likely used most of them at one time or another!

James Foy & Liam Foy are fundamental to Lewis & Foy Lettings. With over 40 years in construction and maintenance, their experience will benefit both landlords and tenants. He has an established reputation in the city and is widely recognised within the city.

Over an overly expensive coffee and a spontaneous gathering at a local property auction, it became clear that the three conveyed a passion of property, each from slightly divergent angles and experiences. James & Liam have undertaken lots of work for letting agents and had their own frustrations toward agents using second-rate systems and having chaotic processes, which inevitably led to miscommunication and problems. The vast majority of property letting agents use sub-contractors. They do not possess the experience to manage tradespeople. This ensures, by definition, they have no authority over the sub-contractors. Importantly, no control over cost or quality. Booking a job with a contractor is not managing the maintenance.

During the afternoon, it became increasingly evident that we all had similar ideas about starting a property management company. We also agreed the coffee was rubbish.

Together, the three wise men decided they could create a business with customer service, transparency and efficiency at the forefront.

Lewis & Foy was formed on the 5th June, 2018. Today, in 2024, we administer multiple millions of annual revenue for our investors & clients world-wide, with commercial and residential assets under management exceeding £40 million.

We will become one of the preeminent manangement companies within Liverpool & Merseyside. Join us on our journey.

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