CoronaVirus Update
Date: 1st April 2020 - Author: William Lewis
We are confronted with never seen before levels of restrictions placed on the UK during peacetimes, which we must adhere to for the safety of our teams, customers and the wider public. With this in mind we have stopped all appointments other than emergency call outs to tenanted properties managed by Lewis and Foy Lettings. However, we are very much open for business and our teams are all home working hard with full access to all systems, calls and emails to make sure that all of our customers receive a high level of service.
We welcome enquiries from Landlords who have properties to they wish to let, to manage, or simply require a helping hand from this difficult time. We are learning each day the help that is available for both landlords and tenants through this crisis. Equally, life does go on, and we have prospective tenants eager to find new properties to rent, and therefore we are keen to meet new landlords and have their properties ready to let as soon as the restrictions are eased.
Tenants are able to report faults 24/7 as always. However, only emergency call outs will be permitted, in line with Government advice and where contractors are available, and it is safe to attend.
If your financial circumstances are affected by Covid 19, please contact us immediately so we may, together with your landlord find a suitable solution.
We will continue to monitor the situation and update our internal processes in line with Government guidance and will advise you were necessary. Our number one priority remains the safety and wellbeing of our teams, customers and the local community. I'd like to thank everyone for their support in these challenging times and wish you all the best to your friends, families and colleagues.
For all the latest official information on Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit
Stay safe and well, from all of us at Lewis and Foy Lettings

William Lewis BSc (Hons) MRICS