New Eviction Rules 2019
Landlords urged not to get caught out by rule changes
Date: 2nd October 2019 - Author: William Lewis - Download: PDF - TXT
Time flies when rents are coming in without issue. It may be worth Landlords with long lasting tenants to check exactly when their agreements started in preparation for changes to eviction rules next month.
From Monday 1 October, section 21 eviction rules introduced in 2015 will be extended to apply to most tenancies in England and not just those that have commenced since The Deregulation Act came in October 2015.
The Act formalised the eviction process so that Landlords could no longer simply serve a notice in any form of written style, but instead must use a prescribed form...
Landlords remain able to provide two months' notice to evict a tenant on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) following their first 4 months of occupation for any reason, but it must be done correctly.
The 2015 changes also saw the implementation of provisions, preventing a landlord from serving a section 21 notice within six months of an improvement notice or emergency remedial action notice served by a local authority.
The same legislation also requires new tenancies to be accompanies by the latest version of the government "How to Rent" guide. William Lewis of Lewis & Foy Lettings said "Clearly it is never desirable to have to evict a tenant - but, there are scenarios where it becomes necessary. If you find you have a problem tenant, a landlord's failure to supply an energy performance certificate and gas safety certificate before the tenancy begins will invalidate a section 21 notice. Further, in Liverpool it is compulsory for Landlords to licence their properties with the Local Authority. We saw earlier in the year a Liverpool Landlord fined £1,300 by the Magistrates Court for non-compliance".
If you are unsure whether you are fully compliant, contact Lewis and Foy Lettings on 0151 438 6473 or contact us via our website or social media.

William Lewis BSc (Hons) MRICS